Woodmansterne is a quaint and picturesque area of Surrey, just 18 miles south of central London. Nestled in the natural beauty of the North Downs, Woodmansterne offers an idyllic countryside retreat within easy reach of the capital.
From local pubs serving real ales and mouth-watering British gastronomy, to small parks with scenic lakes and walking trails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy here. Woodmansterne is surrounded by delightful rolling hills and fields, perfect for outdoor activities such as horse riding and cycling. For an even more immersive exploration of the area, why not take a leisurely stroll through one of the many nearby woodlands and take in the scent of fresh pine needles and lush vegetation.
For those looking to relax further, take a leisurely day trip out to Banstead Heath, one of the largest remaining areas of heath land in London. Gifted with stunning views and picturesque picnic spots, this is the perfect place to watch the sun go down and appreciate the natural beauty of Woodmansterne. Whatever you choose to do here, you’re sure to enjoy the authentic atmosphere and appreciation of the local area Woodmansterne offers.
London Stations within 1 hour
- 45 mins to London Bridge
- 53 mins to Moorgate
- 53 mins to Waterloo
- 55 mins to Victoria
- 57 mins to Blackfriars
- 57 mins to Farringon