Nestled in the heart of Bedfordshire lies the quaint town of Flitwick, an area abundant with natural beauty and serene tranquillity. With its stunning green fields stretching as far as the eye can see and its picturesque rolling hillsides, Flitwick is a destination for everyone to experience and enjoy.
From walking in the countryside to exploring historic sites, there are countless activities to keep visitors busy in Flitwick and the surroundings. History buffs can uncover fascinating tales from the Roman, Saxon and Medieval periods at the nearby Church of St Peter and St Paul, or explore one of the local country estates. For nature enthusiasts, the area's picturesque nature parks are great for bird watching and enjoying the abundance of flora and fauna that call the area home.
Flitwick is also a great place to relax and unwind, with plenty of walking trails, inns and pubs offering local ales and wholesome Yorkshire cuisine. Take a stroll in the village park or along the local river, or take a peaceful break in one of the many wonderfully traditional country inns nearby. No matter how visitors choose to spend their time in Flitwick, they are sure to delight in the breathtaking views and tranquil atmosphere.
London Stations within 1 hour
- 44 mins to Farringon
- 44 mins to Kings Cross / St. Pancras
- 51 mins to Blackfriars
- 56 mins to Liverpool Street
- 58 mins to Euston
- 59 mins to London Bridge